Level 1 Shoulder Course

Level 1 Shoulder Course

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À propos de cette formation

Cours de 2 jours


The Lyn Watson level 1 shoulder course teaches the theories, practical platforms, diagnostic frameworks, rehab protocols and techniques physiotherapists should apply to patients. We recommend all students complete the Level 1 course before proceeding to our advanced Level 2 course.

Anatomy & Biomechanics

The Course includes a detailed discussion regarding the relevant anatomy and biomechanics of the GH, AC & SC Joints and Shoulder Girdle associated with the clinical presentation of patients. Lyn’s use of real patient examples and the relationship between their symptoms, physical presentations and underlying pathomechanics provide the foundation to understanding the shoulder.

Clinical Decisions Making

Using her unique, logical and structured assessment of the Shoulder and Shoulder Girdle, Lyn guides physiotherapists through the clinical decision‐making process:

  • Which assessment tools to use to understand the patients’ problem
  • The primary problem and the secondary symptoms
  • Diagnosis; Initial, Differentials and sometimes an Evolving Diagnosis
  • The stage of the pathology and whether it is amenable to physiotherapy
  • When physiotherapy, investigation, intervention or referral is indicated / appropriate
  • Rehabilitation programme development, progression and evolution
  • Re‐assessment process for each patient
Shoulder Hypermobility
  • Its presentation within the wider population and within a shoulder clinic
  • Its impact on presenting symptoms, injuries and findings
  • A discussion on how it impacts patients that are young, middle aged and older,
  • A discussion on assessing for it and adjusting intervention accordingly
The Scapula
  • 3D assessment of the scapula at rest, through motion and during other shoulder assessment tests (like muscle/R.Cuff strength testing)
  • A detailed discussion on when the scapula is relevant to the patients presentation or an adaptation to their problem
  • Techniques for manually correcting aberrant scapula position and dyskinesia through ROM
  • Tailoring the correction of the scapula position at rest, through motion and during other assessment testing
  • A discussion of this clinical decision‐making process for patients with Instability, Stiffness, Impingement, Rotator Cuff tears and SLAP lesions.
The Humeral Head
  • Techniques to assess the position, translation and dynamic control of the humeral head on the glenoid in normal and specific shoulder pathologies
  • A detailed discussion of the impact the scapula, the capsuloligamentous structures, the labrum and rotator cuff have on maintaining the centralisation and control of the humeral head
  • Techniques for correcting aberrant humeral head translation and the clinical decision making process used to determine its impact on the patients presentation and other assessment findings (SLAP tests, Impingement tests, ULTTests, Scapula dyskinesia, R.Cuff tests, etc)
  • A demonstration and discussion of special orthopaedic tests for assessment of shoulder rotator cuff, instability, impingement and SLAP tears with reference to the literature, clinical use and interpretation
Instability (GHJ, ACJ & SCJ)
  • The different categories: from traumatic uni‐directional to traumatic and/or overuse hypermobile instability through to multidirectional instability
  • Typical presentation and assessment findings
  • Different management plans for each category with reference to investigations used, rehabilitation and surgery
  • Outcomes published and evidence based practice
  • Practice of techniques used to fully assess instability of the shoulder and determine the different contributions from the scapula, labrum, capsuloligamentous structures and rotator cuff/deltoid muscular control
  • Lyn’s Multi‐directional Instability rehabilitation program will be supplied & discussed
GH Joint Stiffness, Rotator Cuff Pathology & Degenerative AC Joints
  • The different categories: from frozen shoulders to post‐operative stiffness through to stiffness secondary to R.Cuff pathology, Impingement or OA
  • Typical presentation and assessment findings
  • Different management plans for each category with reference to investigations used, rehabilitation and surgery
  • Outcomes published and evidence based practice
  • Practice of techniques used to fully assess stiffness of the shoulder and for the management and treatment of stiffness
  • Mobilisation and hands‐on treatments
  • Management of inflammation
  • A discussion on the use of Hydrodilatation injections
  • A discussion on the post‐operative stiff shoulders and it’s impact on operative outcome

Lyn’s Principles of Shoulder Rehabilitation will enable therapists to develop a tailored rehabilitation
programme for any shoulder pathology. This section includes a detailed discussion and demonstration of a
typical structured rehabilitation programme integrating:

  • Scapula stabilisation
  • Rotator Cuff recruitment and strengthening
  • Training the R.Cuff to achieve dynamic stabilisation of the humeral head
  • Deltoid strengthening; when, how and why to start and progress through to full gym and functional programs
  • Progression of strengthening: from arm by the side through abduction to overhead and into horizontal flexion; short lever to longer lever, slow controlled concentric to faster to eccentric
  • How to tailor rehabilitation to different patients’ ages, pathologies and processes
Post‐operative rehabilitation programs are also provided for:
  • Sub‐acromial Decompression
  • Rotator Cuff Repair (Small – Medium – Large – Massive)
  • GHJ Reconstruction and SLAP Repairs
  • Latarjet Reconstructions

A discussion and demonstration of our unique taping techniques for the scapula and the humeral head.