Daniela von Piekartz-Doppekhofer


Daniela von Piekartz’s biography

Daniela von Piekartz graduated in 1996 as a Physical Therapist in Austria (Akademie für den Physiotherapeutischen Dienst Graz). From this point on she worked in three rehabilitation clinics in Austria (Rehaklinik Tobelbad) and Germany (BfA-Fachklinik Werra-Meissner and Fachklinik Bad Bentheim). From 2007 to 2013 she worked as a Physical therapist in a practice in The Nederlands (Fysio Tubbergen) and since 2013 she is, together with her husband Harry von Piekartz, owner of a private practice in Ootmarsum in The Nederlands, with a specialization in manual therapy and cranio-facial therapy.

Daniela has taken a lot of continuing education courses in different concepts (Maitland, Kaltenborn-Evjent, NOI and CRAFTA). In January 2018 she graduated with a Master of Science in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (Hochschule Osnabrück (Germany)).

Since 2010 Daniela is working as a CRAFTA teacher in several European countries (Germany, Austria, The Nederland’s, Spain, Switzerland).

She also teaches in the Bachelor program in physical therapy at the Hochschule Osnabrück (Germany).

Daniela von Piekartz has published several articles in German physical therapy journals and contributed a chapter about oculomotor dysfunctions in the book « Kiefer-Gesichts-und Zervikalregion » (Thieme 2015).

She was also a  speaker at several German congresses (CRAFTA® congress 2014, Interdisziplinar congress of German Osteopathic School 2015, PT congress 2017 Bochum).


Akademie für den Physiotherapeutischen Dienst Graz

Physical therapist

Hochschule Osnabrück (Germany)

Master of Science degree in Orthopedic Manual Therapy



Hochschule Osnabrück (Germany)


CRAFTA organization